Monkey Gland Cocktail Recipe


The Monkey Gland is a cocktail of gin, orange juice, grenadine and absinthe. TheMonkey Gland is named after the pseudo-scientific idea that grafting monkey testicle tissue into humans would increase longevity, the idea developed by the French doctor Serge Voronoff. He first performed testicular transplants on animals, taking the testicles from young animals and implanting these older animals. Voronoff allegedly observed increases in vitality that encouraged him to apply this method to humans. Since the 1920s, and thus at the time when the Monkey Gland was born, he had transplanted monkey testicles into the scrotum of people who believed that the method would rejuvenate them.


  • 50 ml/ 1 ½ oz. Gin
  • 30 ml/ 1 oz. orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon Absinthe
  • 2 teaspoons Grenadine


  1. Swirl a dash of absinthe in a chilled cocktail glass to coat it, then dump out any excess liqueur.
  2. Add all other ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  3. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
  4. Garnish with an orange slice or a burnt orange peel.


At a time when Absinthe was not available in the USA, it was replaced by other aniseed drinks such as Pernod or Ricard.


  1. Gin (Old Tom) | USA | UK* | Germany*
  2. Absinthe | USA | UK* | Germany*
  3. Grenadine syrup | USA* | UK* | Germany*
  4. Glasses| USA* | UK* | Germany*

Tuxedo Cocktail Recipe


The Tuxedo cocktail is composed of gin, Vermouth dry, maraschino liqueur, Absinthe and orange bitters. Related to the Martini cocktail, the Tuxedo has had many variations since its inception in the 1880s. INGREDIENTS 45 ml/ 1 ½ oz. Gin (Old Tom) 45 ml/ 1 ½ oz. Vermouth dry ½ barspoon maraschino liqueur ½ barspoon Absinthe […]

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Opera Cocktail Recipe

Opera Cocktail

The Opera cocktail is a mixture of gin, Dubonnet and maraschino liqueur. The Dobonnet smooths the gin while the maraschino makes it sweater. The Opera cocktail is one of those old classic cocktails that doesn’t get much attention these days. INGREDIENTS 60 ml/ 2 oz. Gin 60 ml/ 2 oz. Dubonnet Red 7,5 ml/ ¼ […]

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Shamrock Juice Cocktail Recipe


Every year the Irish and now almost the whole world celebrate St. Patrick`s Day. On March 17th, green is the predominant color of Irish people celebrating all over the world; in some cities, the rivers are even colored green on St. Patrick’s Day. On this occasion, here is a great green cocktail for St. Patrick`s […]

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Gin Fizz Cocktail Recipe

GIN FIZZ Cocktail Recipe

A fizz is a refreshing, alcoholic and carbonated cocktail. It is one of the classics in the history of cocktails and, with its numerous variants, forms its own drink group. One of the most famous fizzes is the Gin Fizz, which I present to you here. A modification is e.g. the Sloe Gin Fizz. INGREDIENTS […]

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Angel Face Cocktail Recipe


The cocktail Angel Face was first mentioned in 1930 in The Savoy Cocktail Book by the bartender Harry Craddock and consists of equal parts of the three ingredients. The name may be due to gang criminal Abe Kaminsky, who was also known as Angel Face. He worked for the Sugar House Gang in Detroit during […]

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Casino Cocktail Recipe

The Casino Cocktail is a classic gin based cocktail, made with gin, maraschino liqueur, orange bitters and fresh lemon juice. It’s an exercise in simplicity. The cocktail first appears in the Savoy Cocktail Book compiled by Harry Craddock in the year 1930. INGREDIENTS 50 ml/ 1 ⅓  oz. Gin 10 ml/ ⅓ oz. freshly squeezed […]

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