When it comes to cocktails, the simple is often the best. The Bellini cocktail is mixed with only two basic ingredients: vineyard peach and Champagne. The classic from Harry’s Bar in Venice is still the perfect summer drink.
30 ml / 1 oz. white peach puree
100 ml/ 3 ⅓ oz. Champagne
Pour the peach puree into the pre-chilled glass and slowly fill with ice-cold champagne.
The Sidecar cocktail is traditionally made with cognac, orange liqueur (I take Cointreau) and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The exact origin of the sidecar is unclear, but it is thought to have been invented around the end of World War I in either London or Paris. The drink was directly named for the motorcycle attachment which was very commonly used back then.
On my trip to Stockholm in Sweden in July 2019, I got to know many Swedish cocktails. The three most interesting and unusual Swedish cocktails, I would like to introduce you here.
This Swedish cocktail Nordic Track is grassy, refreshing and sweet with extra fruity bite from the lingonberry sauce garnish.
Muddle the mint together with the vinegar in a mixing glass.
Add ice, the gum syrup and Aquavit.
Shake it!
Strain into a glass over fresh ice.
Garnish with the lingonberry jam and a mint sprig.
Hallon-Lakrits is a festive candy drink that tastes just as the Swedish name promises – raspberries and licorice. So, just like the popular raspberry peel. Worth mentioning is also that this is a drink that one can very easily vary to adapt to their own taste preferences. This stated recipe is only a good basic recipe.
60 ml/ 2 oz. Sourz Raspberry
10 ml/ ⅓ oz. Pernod
20 ml/ ¾ oz. Grenadine
10 ml/ ⅓ oz. lemon juice
80 ml/ 2 ¾ oz. soda water
Fill a glass half with crushed ice.
Add Sourz Raspberry, Pernod, Grenadine and lemon juice.
Stir so that everything mixes.
Add the soda water and fill the rest of the glass with ice.
Stir slightly and garnish with a lakrits stick.
It’s all about finding a balance in the flavors you like. If you think it’s too low in licorice, you can easily increase the amount of Pernod. If you want the drink a little sweeter, you can try to use Seven Up or Sprite instead of soda. Since they are a little sweeter, you may need to add some extra lemon juice. Do not be afraid to try different variants.
Fizzy Pop is exactly what it sounds like – a drink that tastes like Sweden’s most popular candy piece. Some call them Bubblizz, others for Fizzypop. Whatever you call them, this is the drink recipe you’ve been looking for!
Add Sprite and stir gently so that the bubbles do not disappear.
Add more ice if there is space.
Gently pour Blue Curaçao in the top of the glass so that the blue color spreads slightly downwards.
Garnish with candy.
The secret sauce in this drink is undoubtedly the bubble gum from Monin. It tastes almost exactly like the Fizzy pop / Bubblizz candies it is, just much sweeter. The other ingredients are therefore mostly to balance the flavors, get the liquid and alcohol volume and to make the drink visually more appealing. The syrup is alcohol-free and available to order online or to buy in some specialty stores.
If you do not want to go to Stockholm (Sweden), you can also make the cocktails easily at home.
There is no need for a trip to Three Broomsticks! Harry Potter’s favorite boozy beverage is easy to make at home. Grown-up wizards and adult muggles can make this famously boozy Diagon Alley treat right in their own cauldron. (No spells required.)
30 ml / 1 oz. Butterscotch schnapps
30 ml / 1 oz. Vanillia Vodka
180 ml / 6 oz, Cream Soda
whipped cream
butterscotch syrup
Add all ingredients into frosty mug.
Top with a generous dollop of whipped cream and butterscotch syrup drizzled on top.
Cream Soda is a predominantly in English-speaking countries widespread genus of soft drinks. The name of these drinks goes back to a recipe that used to actually combine soda water with egg and cream or milk. In contrast, today’s cream soda no longer contains any of these three ingredients, but instead denotes a carbonated soft drink with vanilla flavor. In Austria and Germany the Cream Soda is only occasionally to be found and does not belong to the typical range of goods.
You can’t decide between a refreshing rum drink or a celebratory champagne? This classic Air Mail cocktail recipe is one that fits the bill. Air Mail or Airmail (also Airmail Cocktail) is a classic cocktail of rum, lime or lemon juice, honey and sparkling wine. It probably originated during or shortly after the prohibition period in the United States or in Cuba, even in the 1920s or 1930s.
30 ml / 1 oz. Bacardi Carta Oro rum
15 ml / ½ oz. honey syrup
15 ml / ½ oz freshly squeezed lime juice
30 ml / 1 oz. Champagne
Shake in a cocktail shaker (except for the Champagne).
Traveling around the world to show you the best cocktail recipes.
It’s unbelievable, but this year I’ve met bartenders in Albania (Saranda), Austria (Vienna), Germany (Munich), Greece (Rhodes), Italy (Siena), Mallorca (Palma) and Sweden (Stockholm). Everything to bring the best cocktail recipes for you. Thank you all for your support – you are always welcome in my hometown Rostock.
Some Recipes for yor
Many interesting videos came about this way. Just have a look. You will find extraordinary cocktails from Albania and Sweden, a summer cocktail from Palma de Mallorca, a Sazerac from Greece, cocktail classics from Italy, a new star from Germany and a fancy cocktail from Austria.
If you are traveling in summery temperatures in Europe’s inner cities, there is hardly an outdoor garden from which not a good part of the tables at least a style glass with striking reddish-orange content illuminates the viewer. The Italian cocktail Aperol Spritz is literally on everyone’s lips.
60 ml/ 2 oz. Prosecco or white wine
40 ml/ 1 ⅓ oz. Aperol
20 ml/ ¾ oz. soda water
5 ice cubes
To prepare the Aperol Spritz, put all the ingredients in a white wine glass and stir for about 5 seconds.
The cocktail Rum Swizzle is often dubbed as Bermuda’s national drink, although so-called “swizzles” appeared on many Caribbean islands during the 18th century. The earliest versions were simply rum, which was diluted with water by stirring. In 1932, the Swizzle Inn Pub opened in the Bermuda Islands, where the cocktail was served in its present form for the first time – at least that’s what the pub owners want to believe you. In fact, there are a variety of interpretations, the cocktail typically being rum, various fruit juices and a sweetening component (e.g., syrup, falernum or grenadine). Rum Swizzle is served in a tumbler.
30 ml/ 1 oz. black rum
30 ml/ 1 oz. gold rum
juice of ½ lemon
60 ml/ 2 oz. pineapple juice
60 ml/ 2 oz orange juice
15 ml/ ½ oz. Bermuda falernum
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
Take a tumbler and fill it a half of the way with crushed ice.
Add all ingredients.
Take a swizzle stick and stir frothy.
Add crushed ice till glass is full.
Swizzle it again.
Garnish with an orange slice, a pineapple cube and a cherry.
To prepare a Rum Swizzle, it’s best to use an authentic swizzle stick. Real swizzle sticks are long stems snapped off a tree native to the Caribbean, and feature multiple prongs that stick out horizontally. When spun rapidly between your hands inside a cold cocktail, the swizzle stick will create a thick layer of frost on the outside of a glass – the sign of a perfect swizzle.
Fast 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall am 09. November 1989 zeigen wir Euch hier die 5 interessantesten Cocktails der DDR. Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren.
Die Grüne Wiese ist der Top-Cocktail der DDR. Der Name stammt von der satten grünen Farbe, die der Drink erhält, nachdem die Zutaten zusammen gemischt sind. Neben Curaçao Blue und Orangensaft, wird nur noch Rotkäppchen Sekt benötigt.
4 cl Curaçao Blue
16 cl Orangensaft
4 cl Sekt (Rotkäppchen trocken)
Garnitur: Fruchtspieß
Curaçao und Orangensaft in ein mit Eis gefülltes Longdrinkglas geben und mit eisgekühltem Sekt auffüllen. Mit Fruchtspieß und Strohhalm servieren.
Moulin Rouge verbinden viele mit Paris und dem bekannten Varieté im Stadtviertel Montmartre. In der DDR war es aber ein wohlschmeckender, süßer Cocktail. Für diesen Drink werden drei Zutaten benötigt. Pfirsichlikör, trockener Rotwein und Orangensaft.
4 cl Pfirsichlikör (alternativ Aprikosenlikör)
1/8 L Orangensaft
2 cl Rotwein, trockener Kadarka
In ein mit Eis gefülltes Weinglas den Likör geben und mit dem Orangensaft auffüllen. Über einen umgedrehten Teelöffel (Rundung des Löffels zeigt nach oben!) den Rotwein vorsichtig in das Glas laufen lassen, so dass sich der Wein nicht mit dem Saft vermischt, sondern sich rot oben absetzt.
Die Balalaika ist ein fruchtig-spritziger Cocktail aus der DDR mit drei einfachen Zutaten, die jeder zu Hause haben sollte.
4 cl Orangensaft
4 cl Curaçao weiß
4 cl Weinbrand
Garnitur: Orangenscheibe
Die Zutaten mit viel Eis im Mischbecher gut durchschütteln und in ein Glas seihen. Lässt sich auch unproblematisch mit einer über den Glasrand gehängten Orangenscheibe dekorieren.
Knusperflocken treffen Alkohol – lecker! Der Cocktail aus Rum, Milch und Komet-Schoko-Eispulver hatte gefühlte 1000 Kalorien, schmeckt aber wie ein beschwipster Schoko-Shake.
4 cl Rum
¾ L Milch
1 EL Rosinen
1 EL Knusperflocken
1 Päckchen “Komet” – Eispulver Kakaogeschmack
Eispulver mit Rum und Milch shaken. In Sektschale geben. Rosinen zugeben. Knusperflocken darüber streuen.
Die Prärie Oyster ist ein toller Sportler- oder Kater-Cocktail aus der DDR. Alkoholfrei und sehr speziell im Geschmack. Viel Spaß beim Oyster schlürfen.
1-2 EL Ketchup
1 Eigelb
Ein Glas mit dem Öl ausschwenken bis ein Ölfilm im Glas entsteht. Ein bis zwei Esslöffel Ketchup ins Glas geben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Paprika würzen. Darauf ein Eigelb setzen. Die Oyster kann nun verrührt oder auch mit ganzem Eigelb geschlürft werden!
Halloween is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, playing pranks, carving pumpkins into jack-o`-lanterns, attending Halloween costume parties and making Halloween Drinks. Here are three beautiful Halloween cocktail recipes.
This totally creepy and absolutely cool Zombie Brain Shot is the ultimate Halloween drink. And it’s as fun to make as it is to shoot – if you dare!
⅔ part peach schnapps
1 dash crème de menthe
¼ part Baileys Irish Cream
1 dash Grenadine
Take a tall shot glass and add some peach schnapps.
Add some crème de menthe for a bit of green colour.
Hold a small spoon over the top of the shot glass and gently pour the Baileys over the back, allowing the liquid to fan out and spill into the shot glass.
Add a dash of Grenadine for more colour and to help pull the Irish cream down.
Also known as a zombie brain hemorrhage shot, this drink not only looks like brains, but it has a unique taste that will leave you wondering.
The Black Widow Shot is a very easy shot to make, and the black Vodka tops this eerie little drink nicely. This is one of those recipes in which the color of the liqueur is key.
strawberry liqueur
black Vodka
Baileys Irish Cream
Pour the strawberry liqueur in a shot glass.
Layer black Vodka on top of the strawberry liqueur.
Slowly pour Baileys on top.
When you drop the Baileys liqueur slowly on top you can create the appearance of spider legs.
The Halloween Milkshake Shot is a Vanilla milkshake spiked with vanilla vodka, mixed with cherry syrup and a chocolate syrup.
vanilla ice cream
Vanilla Vodka
cherry syrup
chocolate syrup
Set out the vanilla ice cream at room temperature about 5-10 minutes before blending.
Blend the ice cream with milk and Vanilla Vodka.
Slowly turn the shot glass as you gently squeeze in some of the syrup.