Haps Flip Cocktail Recipe


The Haps Flip is a cocktail from the GDR. A country that has not existed since 1990. The cocktail comes from the TV show HAPS from the TV studio in Rostock and was actually made to promote a blender. Unfortunately, there weren’t that many cocktail ingredients in the GDR and what was available was used. The result was probably the most disgusting cocktail in the world. Nowadays there are many delicious cocktails from Rostock – please just watch to my YouTube channel and subscribe.


  • 125ml milk
  • ¼ bottle of red wine
  • ½ bottle of light beer
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of pepper


  1. Pour all ingredients into a mixing bowl.
  2. Blend until fluffy.
  3. Pour into 2 glasses.
  4. Enjoy.

Der Haps Flip ist ein Cocktail aus der DDR. Einem Land, welches schon seit 1990 nicht mehr existiert. Der Cocktail stammt aus der Fernsehsendung HAPS (Haushalts-Allerlei praktisch serviert) aus dem Fernsehstudio in Rostock und wurde eigentlich zur Bewerbung eines Mixers hergestellt. Leider gab es in der DDR nicht so viele Cocktailzutaten und es wurde genommen, was da war. Dabei kam der wahrscheinlich ekligste Cocktail der Welt heraus. Heutzutage gibt es viele leckere Cocktails aus Rostock – dazu einfach auf meinen YouTube-Kanal gehen und bitte abonnieren.


  • 125 ml Milch
  • ¼ Flasche Rotwein
  • ½ Flasche helles Bier
  • 2 EL Zucker
  • 1 Ei
  • 1 Prise Pfeffer


  1. Alle Zutaten in einen Rührbecher kippen.
  2. Mixer reinhalten und schaumig schlagen.
  3. Auf 2 Gläser verteilen.
  4. Prost!

El Torado Cocktail Recipe


The El Torado cocktail is popular throughout Mexico.  No wonder, since it contains a large amount of Tequila. The cocktail is rounded off with apple juice and Italian Vermouth. A great taste experience. INGREDIENTS 60 ml/ 2 oz. Tequila Reposado 45 ml/ 1 ½ oz. apple juice 15 ml/ ½ oz. Martini Extra Dy Vermouth […]

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Suffering Bastard Cocktail Recipe


The Suffering Bastard cocktail was created in the year 1942 by Joe Scialom at the Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo, Egypt. It’s an unusual combination of Gin and Cognac, lengthened and flavored with ginger beer, as this vintage classic was originally conceived as a hangover cure. INGREDIENTS 30 ml/ 1 oz. Rémy Martin Cognac 30 ml/ 1 […]

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Gold Rush Cocktail Recipe


On paper, the Gold Rush is a very simple drink. Composed of Bourbon Whiskey, honey syrup and fresh lemon juice, it’s essentially a with honey in place of sugar (or a bourbon-spiked take on the Bee’s Knees, if you prefer). But that whiskey-honey combination transforms the cocktail’s flavor and mouthfeel, making the Gold Rush a […]

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2 Black Eyes Cocktail Recipe

How to make the 2 Black Eyes Cocktail

The 2 Black Eyes cocktail is my first cocktail recipe with Moonshine. Moonshine nowadays is another name for an unaged Whiskey, sometimes also called silver Whiskey or white lightnin’. So here’s my simple Moonshine recipe for the fighter in all of us. Make sure you make 2 of these. Otherwise, you’ll just have one black […]

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The Influence Cocktail Recipe


The Influence is a simple Old Fashioned that leans towards the bitter side as opposed to the more traditional sweet. This recipe specifies the bitters in drops, so unless you store your bitters in droppers, try 1-2 shakes for each type of bitters. You can always add more if needed. INGREDIENTS 1 bottle Underberg Bitters […]

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The Salty Bird Cocktail Recipe


The Salty Bird hardly suggests a sweet fruity drink but the name perfectly befits this bittersweet rum-laced pineapple cocktail. INGREDIENTS 45 ml/ 1 ½ oz. light Rum 22,5 ml/ ¾ oz. Campari Italian bitter liqueur 45 ml/ 1 ½ oz. pineapple juice 15 ml/ ½ oz. freshly squeezed lime juice 7,5 ml/ ¼ oz. sugar […]

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